Writing as a Meditation ~ Day 21

As I wake up this morning it feels wonderful to be back on my writing schedule. It feels right to warm up. I am dressed comfortably. I am sitting at my desk cup of ginger tea in toe. It is quite cold so warming the body feels right. As I wake up this morning I… Continue reading Writing as a Meditation ~ Day 21

Writing as a Meditation ~ Day 19

Today is the day!!! We celebrate one of my special achievements! Creating a space where women could find their voice and write their stories!!! Come celebrate the 8th Annual Anniversary of the NYC Latina Writers Group! Writing as a Meditation ~ Day 19 On transparency and Finding Your Force! As I wake up this morning… Continue reading Writing as a Meditation ~ Day 19

Writing as a Meditation ~ Day 16: For my sisters… A meditation on sisterhood~

This morning I honored exactly what I needed. It was 4:30am when my body woke without the alarm. I had this pounding, excruciatingly painful throbbing headache from the moment I opened my eyes. Like those hangover headaches, except I didn’t drink last night. It was the kind of headache that felt like a pan being… Continue reading Writing as a Meditation ~ Day 16: For my sisters… A meditation on sisterhood~

“Don’t Call Me a Latina Writer” ~ Writing as a Meditation ~ Day 15

"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day I can hear her breathing." ~ Arundhati Roy As I wake up this morning my mind is on one thing... the anniversary of the NYC Latina Writers Group. I can't believe we turn 8-years-old in less than twenty-four hours. The… Continue reading “Don’t Call Me a Latina Writer” ~ Writing as a Meditation ~ Day 15

Writing as a Meditation ~ Day 14

As I wake up this morning I am feeling full. I am feeling fueled. I have given myself what I needed over the past few days... good food, good conversation, good fun, ans good rest. So much rest and connectivity... connecting with the people we love... face to face time... in that very real way...… Continue reading Writing as a Meditation ~ Day 14